Our Business is more passion-driven than profit

Our Business is more passion-driven than profit. We want to be the part of the positive change in the world. So business is not only what we do, we reach out and extend our help to the communities and area where we run trips.
We build school classrooms, run health camps, set up libraries, give scholarships, donate clothes and school supplies, plant trees for future generations, help orphanage to sustain.

We have been doing this since 1999. So far we have built over 150 classrooms, four libraries, served many children together with kind-hearted donors from around the world. Together we can create a better world.
After all “We have the whole world to explore and one world to save”

Here are some glimpses of activities we conducted.

Thanks to: Mamata Volunteers, Active Hearts Himalaya, Hope 4 Smile, MZ & KZ Shah Foundation, V.Pankhania Foundation, Shoes For Sherpas, Colorado Nepal Alliance, Aarambha Foundation, Hands In Nepal, Eva Ma Foundation and Rebuild Nepal Education Foundation.

By traveling with Earthbound Expeditions, you support eco adventures, sustainable tourism and contribute to our efforts to build schools, libraries and participate in philanthropic activities.
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